A Day in the Life....
I've now been in Boboshevo for over a week and have quickly adapted to the small town lifestyle. I awake at eight to a large breakfast and pot of espresso with my host mother Raina. After stuffing myself and still being told I don't eat enough I head off to classes at the community center at nine for five hours of Bulgarian language training. Lunch comes at one where all five of us volunteers sit by the river, eat our sack lunches and throw pebbles and cheese at the passing frogs. At three, when our lessons end we head to the local cafe for what we like to call "Pirinsko Time." This consists of us sitting outside in the sun, drinking the local beer, playing cards and talking to the locals. At around six we depart to our respected homes. I have officially began my training for the 2009 Bolder Boulder to reclaim the Helms family crown and at seven every evening, I jog 8 kms through the beautiful Bulgarian countryside to the town of Sopovo. After a quick shower and talk to the kids who hang out and wait for me in front of the bloc, I have dinner with my host family. This consists of massive amounts of food followed by a glass of rakia with Stephan and a rousing discussion of soccer, weather, and whatever else might be on the TV. I then do my homework and studying until I head to bed. On the weekends I head up the hills with my host brother, Miro, and BBQ with him and his friends. At nights we head to the gas station/restaurant for dinner and converstation with the locals. My Italian is still proving valuable as my Bulgarian is elementary yet everyone speaks Italian. Its been a great way to break the ice and make friends in my small, Bulgarian town. All in all, things are going great and I couldn't be happier...
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