Judging by this picture you can assume two things: 1) That my blog has gone from weekly, to monthly, to seasonal in a mere one year period and 2) that for the first time since I've been in Bulgaria, we have finally had a proper snow. I spent the weekend walking around town in the cold, slipping on ice, and enjoying the peace and tranquility of the empty Bratsigovo streets. If there is one thing Bulgarians hate more than the heat and a draft in the room, it is snow. Luckily, this allowed me to wander around town undisturbed for a large part of the weekend.

Early next week i will be heading back to the great little town of Boboshevo to spend Christmas with my host family. Christmas in Boboshevo means three days of being force fed great food by Raina, talking over a glass of homemade red wine with Stefan, visits to more relatives than I can possibly remember, and a few trips to the Boboshevo diskoteka.

For new years eve I will be meeting up with two good friends from Colorado, CieJay and Ashley Hanson, and spending a few days in the mountains in Borovets. In a concentrated effort to spend my entire monthly living allowance over a four day period we will be hitting the slopes and snowboarding.
Currently Reading: "The Rifles" by William Vollmann
Currently Listening to: "For Emma, Forever Ago" by Bon Iver