The Only Constant is Change

1) The '95-'96 Chicago Bulls are the greatest NBA team of all-time
2) The average IQ of a Nebraskan (Born, raised, or currently living there) is drastically less than that of a Coloradan.
3) Helms' can't dance
Despite my brother's attempts to change the third point on this list, the fact still remains that Helms' can't dance. In fact, my father once told his physical education teacher that his religion wouldn't allow him to dance, simply to get out of the dancing portion of his class. That is something I greatly respect.
Keeping this in mind, I am here to tell you that today I joined a horo class which meets twice weekly in the community center of Bratsigovo. For those of you who don't know, the horo is a traditional regional dance which goes back many years throughout all of the Balkan region. There are many different versions of the horo ranging from simple to incredibly complicated. As you can imagine, the only one which I've learned up until today is the most simple one. Yet in a effort to further integrate myself into the town, and more importantly find yet another way to laugh at myself, I accepted an invitation to this horo class.
All in all it was a hilarious but great experience. The class consists of 27 women and myself but sadly, the women's range of age is from 30-55 years. I was able to learn a few new horos, made a few new friends, and will be returning next Tuesday to further reinforce the fact that Helms' can't dance.
Currently Reading: "The Agony and the Ecstasy" by Irving Stone
Currently Listening to: The Top 100 Classic Rock Songs of All Time
you are a benny
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